Thursday, March 22, 2012

Slice #23 2012 - Spring Has Come Early

Our spring flowers are blooming, almost three weeks ahead of their normal debut.
Outside the world is turning green from leaves to the grass.
We will be mowing and weeding, I've never felt the need to do this so early before.
The redbud is ready to blossom, it will grace our patio with a dark pink hue.
Yellow daffodils surround the brickwork creating a beautiful yellow border.
The purple hyacinth have sprouted, welcoming all who pass by with a deep purple wave.
Each morning I hear the birds singing, the sounds of spring surround me.
At night the cool breeze provides a welcome respite from the day's heat.
Occasionally rain dances upon the roof as it makes its way to the ground.
While spring has come early, I welcome it with open arms.


  1. I think this is the case everywhere this year. You could have been describing Missouri. I welcome it too, my husband isn't too happy about the pollen.

  2. Who needs a photograph or video? You described spring in Illinois perfectly! I'm welcoming it with open arms . . . even the rain today didn't squash my excitement of spring. I love a good rainy day -- everything already looks that much greener!
