Sunday, March 25, 2012

Slice #25 2012 - Lessons Learned from SOLC

I've been writing every day for the last 25 days like so many of my fellow slicers. It was easier when I just had a Tuesday post to work towards. In less than a week we will have completed our month long commitment to writing something every day. I took this challenge to see if I could write every day, no matter how busy I might become.

As a fifth grade teacher, it's helped me see the world of writing from the view point of student writers. I have them write slices on our class blog each Tuesday. At times they struggle with topics or ideas, but they also craft amazing entries giving insight into their life and thoughts. I find myself doing the same. Looking back on my posts, I find some that speak volumes and others that fall flat. I welcome comments from fellow slicers and know my class enjoys the comments others make as well.

Writing isn't always perfect. It takes practice. Writers thrive when they write for a purpose and can share their work with a wider audience. That's what write each day in March has reaffirmed for me.


  1. I, too, have been doing some reflecting on the writing I've been doing as part of this SOLC. I think you nailed it when you said, "Looking back on my posts, I find some that speak volumes and others that fall flat." I agree with that wholeheartedly. One thing I'm realizing though is that sometimes we have to write the bad stuff to get to the really good stuff. Keep writing and finish strong! One more week! :)

    Jennifer K.

  2. Key thought for me is "Writers thrive when they write for a purpose and can share their work with a wider audience." Now my challenge is to get teachers to understand that.

  3. Favorite line: "Writing isn't always perfect." I think that's what I love the most through the challenge. Sometimes, writing that I think is close to perfect, nobody seems to notice. Then, the writing that I am almost embarrassed by, produces comments that make me think, stretch me, encourage me, and remind me why I write!

  4. My favorite line: "Writers thrive when they write for a purpose and can share their work with a wider audience." I look forward to the comments every day. Comments are like a spring board for me to keep on writing! validating each other; who knows what will rise from that???
